Exploring a Spanish icon – the Toro Bravo

For much of the world, the image of the proud Spanish bull is synonymous with the country itself. Those who travelled through
Spain in the 1960s and 70s will have the giant silhouetted advertising boards of Osborne Sherry imprinted in their minds, and indeed, this cut-out representation of a Spanish bull has become an enduring icon of all things Spanish.
Bred specifically with bullfighting in mind, today’s
toro bravo is a descendent of a powerful breed known to have lived in the Mediterranean region in classical times. Although the earliest references of bull running and bullfighting date back to this time, it was in the 18
th century that the Spanish tradition as we know it today was formulated. Though the sport is highly controversial today, few would deny the way in which it encapsulates so much of Spanish culture and temperament.
The requirements of the arena are also reflected in the bulls themselves, which are bred and then selected for their strength, stamina and aggression – qualities that earn it the respect of bullfighters and spectators alike. The finest of bulls are revered exactly for these virtues, and it is every bull breeders dream to produce animals that will go down in history.
Inextricably linked to Spanish traditions of the land, the
toro bravo is bred on large open estates where it is free to live the kind of natural, unhindered life most farm animals could only dream of. Here the most aggressive females are selected for breeding by powerful bulls that have survived the bullring, producing offspring that is slowly nurtured and prepared for its role as the matador’s adversary.
It is only from the age of four onwards that bulls are introduced into bullfighting, with most fighting bulls being between the age of four and six. Standing a minimum of 400 and not uncommonly up to 700 kilograms, the powerful bull dwarfs man as he meets his final destiny in the ring. Though many understandably do not like the killing of the bull, as practiced in Spain, the animal first leads a long natural life in prime surroundings, unlike cattle and other farm animals that are often kept in crowded, unnatural conditions before being fattened and slaughtered.

Others even claim that were it not for bullfighting this noble breed of animal would have long since become extinct, but regardless of your point of view a visit to a real
ganadería, or bull breeding farm, is both exciting and enlightening. Some, such as
Reservatauro in Ronda, allow visitors to come and see the operation, the grounds in which the bulls and Andalusian horses are bred and kept, the training and stabling facilities, and the private ring where the matador practices with young
novillero bulls.
While all of this may seem a world removed from the glamorous, cosmopolitan lifestyle of
Marbella, it isn’t. There are bull farms in the mountainous interior just inland from the
Costa del Sol, where bespoke operators such as
Toma Tours organise personalised trips to tour the region and experience the mighty
toro bravo in his true environment – complete with a typical lunch and the chance to ride among the bulls.